The Timberwolves took to the streets the morning of their first game to provide and serve breakfast to morning commuters in downtown Minneapolis. Read the full story here.
Do you feel that the Timberwolves had a higher attendance rate at the season opener because of this (free) breakfast?
Do you think that it was a positive advertising tool? How would they be able to measure if this was a positive factor in attendance rates?
Yes, I think they had a higher attendance rate because of the breakfast. I went to a Timberwolves game about a week ago and it was a complete joke. They are so bad, I wouldn't pay five dollars to go watch that again. They really need to bring in a star player or just sell the team to someone else.
Brady Loew P. 4
I think it did help their attendance. I agree with Brady, the Timberwolves are a joke. I think it was a positive advertising tool. I dont understand the last question.
William L. Hour 6
I believe the move with the free breakfast had the right idea, but in the end didn't help their attendance. The people went really for the free breakfast and after last years terrible season people know that it will basicly be the same this year as well. The other games after this the attendance has gone way down, which shows that the idea was good except it didn't help them at all.
Brandon F. Period 6
I think that the players and cheerleaders serving breakfast to the community was a great way to advertise for their season opener. People love to meet the players and cheerleaders and I think that if they could not go to the opener, they may try to make another game. Attendance may be slightly higher at the opener as people were reminded of it, but I think that there will probably be a long-term effect of people attending future games. They could measure this technique by comparing this season ticket sales to last years sales. Another way to check is to put out a quick survey when the tickets are purchaced to find out what motivated them to attend.
David M. Period 6
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