Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Are you a green fashionista?

It seems that everyone is concerned with 'going green' these days. This is an interesting article about what to look for when choosing green, eco-friendly fashion. A few things to look for on the label: "Organic," Material (hemp, tuncel, cotton), Clothing care options (dry-clean only)

One thing the article DOESN'T touch on is the fact that no single piece of clothing can be 100% environmentally friendly. Why is this the case?

Become a label reader and you can save the environment...will this really catch on? Are average-Joe's, middle class people going to spend extra money for a green option/fabric/tshirt?


Anonymous said...

Of course, anything made cannot be 100% environmentally friendly, because chemicals and pollution were put into the air from the factory where it was made. So, instead of reading labels, it would be better for people to reduce what they buy! I don't think that the average Joe in the middle class will spend extra money for a green option for anything; unless, it is beneficial to them such as food and that's even questionable. That will have to catch on more first though before organic clothing can.

Kristen F- p.6

Anonymous said...

Many aspects that are "ecofriendly" go into making clothes, even if those clothes are considered "ecofriendly." The factories where these clothes are made of course need energy, and the process of making these clothes gives off pollution. In my mind, I don't believe that becoming a "label-reader" will necessarily catch on to everybody. For most people, male especially, just going shopping is a chore. Looking at the materials the shirt is made of and searching through stores to find those that are eco-friendly will no doubt take twice as long, where most just want to grab something and get out. Also, most organicly made clothing is more expensive. My guess is that this idea will only appeal to a select group very involved in the enviroment, and not appeal to most average middle class people.

Jenna P.-6