Friday, November 13, 2009

The times, they are a changin'...(or credit cardin'??)

The Holiday Season seems to have started quite early this year and with this start, you will soon be hearing bells outside of almost every store you enter. Though the bells may leave your ears ringing for hours, they are quite effective, raising millions of dollars for the Salvation Army every year.

However this year, The Salvation Army is hoping that their donations will be great even in these "tough economic times" with a new donation option: paying with your credit card.

Do you think that it is a good idea that The Salvation Army is trying to stay current with technology and go digital?

Would you rather see them keep the old fashioned coins and dollars or move toward the credit card option? What are some pros and cons of both of these options.


william L. hour 6 said...

I think it is a great idea for Salvation Amy to give an option for credit cards. It is more convenient for people to donate this way. I think they should keep the credit card option if they can afford it.

credit card
pros: convenient for customer;more opportunities to get donations
cons: harder for volounteers to work;must pay credit card fee

no credit card
pros: simpler for volounteer to work;no credit card fee
cons: less opportunies to get donations; less convenient

william L. hour 6

Anonymous said...

I like the current system of ringing the bells, but there would also be an advantage to people being able to use their credit cards as well. I think they should use both. People give what they can afford, or pocket change that obviously adds up to millions each year. However, if credit cards were used as well, people could plan their donations and even give on a monthyly basis and that would boost the Salvation Army's income. The pros of using credit cards are planned gifts and probably larger donations as well as possible recurrent donations. The cons would be that to use a credit card at the site would take longer and I don't think people would stop as much to take the time to do that. Also the people taking the credit card are not long-term employees of the Salvation Army, and I don't think people would trust them as much with their credit cards.
David M. Period 6